Friday 14 October 2011


Developing good communication skills is an important part of living a fulfilled life. Effectively communicating your career, personal, and everyday needs in a way that comes across clearly, persuasively, and thoughtfully is crucial; and yet, not everyone knows how. It isn't innate, and many bright, talented, and dedicated people don't get where they should, all because they fail to adequately communicate their point.
Don't let that be your fate. No matter what your age, background, or experience, effective communication is a skill you can learn (no matter how you might feel about it now). With a little self-confidence and knowledge of the basics of good communications you will be able to effectively communicate your message in both conversations and presentations, in all walks of life.

This is steps for the communicate effectively with other :

Step 1
Always place yourself on even ground with the other party. Don't hover over them. This is intimidating and serves only to push the conflict to another level. If they are sitting, you should sit with them. Sitting is always a good idea in a conflict, across the table from one another.
Step 2
Listen to the other party. Allow them to state their feelings and opinions. Wait until they are finished before you begin to state your feelings and options. Truly listen to what they have to say and ask if they are finished before you begin talking.
Step 3
Speak in a calm voice and state your side of the argument. Express your feelings and opinions and make it clear that you heard and understand their side. Don't raise your voice and throw accusations at the other party. Try to take what they had to say into consideration and use it to reach a middle ground. Refrain from telling the other party they don't understand and don't insist you're right, even when you believe you are.
Step 4
Don't follow the other party out of the room to finish the argument. If they feel the need to get away from you, allow them to do so, Let them return when they are calmer. You should avoid stalking out of the room before the disagreement has been concluded, but do leave the room if you feel you're going to have a blow-up.
Step 5
Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and at least try to understand why they feel the way they feel about the situation, even if you still disagree.
Step 6
Don't try to get the last word in. Sometimes a conflict can't be resolved, but both parties can agree to disagree and move on from there.


*Why do i feel nervous ?

Nearly everyone experiences nervousness when they perform in some way, whether in giving a speech, taking a test, offering a presentation, or teaching a class. It's something everybody deals with.I don't know why, but I just hate speaking in front of people. 

I always get nervous and red once I read a story to my class in my desk or stand up in front everyone and do the presentation. When I get up I do good but what I really hate is getting nervous and getting red, and start having watery eyes.  And i always call myself ugly i have no idea why? Or when I talk to a lecture from across the room I get nervous. I HATE IT when I get red and nervous I look at all my friends and they don't nervous when they do the presentation and that makes me even more nervous. I feel like I'm the only person that's nervous in the whole world .And then i started to shivered and i was sweating through my hands and i was like "why am i so scared". why do i get so nervous in public?

*How do i overcome nervousness ?

Nothing will relax you more than to know you are properly prepared. Below are 10 steps i can take to reduce your speech anxiety.
  1. Know the room - become familiar with the place in which i will speak. Arrive early and walk around the room including the speaking area. Stand at the lectern, speak into the microphone. Walk around where the audience will be seated. Walk from where we will be seated to the place where i will be speaking.
  2. Know the Audience - If possible, greet some of the audience as they arrive and chat with them. It is easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.
  3. Know Your Material - If your are not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase. Practice your speech or presentation and revise it until your can present it with ease.
  4. Learn How to Relax - I can ease tension by doing exercises. Sit comfortable with we back straight. Breathe in slowly, hold your breath for 4 to 5 seconds, then slowly exhale. To relax your facial muscles, open your mouth and eyes wide, then close them tightly.
  5. Visualize Yourself Speaking - Imagine yourself walking confidently to the lectern as the audience applauds. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.
  6. Realize People Want You To Succeed - All audiences want speakers to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining. They want you to succeed - not fail.
  7. Don't apologize For Being Nervous - Most of the time your nervousness does not show at all. If you don't say anything about it, nobody will notice. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you think you have with your speech, you'll only be calling attention to it. Had you remained silent, your listeners may not have noticed at all.
  8. Concentrate on Your Message - not the medium - Your nervous feelings will dissipate if you focus your attention away from your anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience, not yourself.
  9. Turn Nervousness into Positive Energy - the same nervous energy that causes stage fright can be an asset to you. Harness it, and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm.
  10. Gain Experience - Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. Most beginning speakers find their anxieties decrease after each speech they give.

If the fear of public speaking causes you to prepare more, then the fear of speaking serves as it's own best antidote.

Remember, "He who fails to prepare is preparing for failure - so Prepare, Prepare, Prepare"


assalamulaikum and good morning to my audience and my special guess Sir Khairul Nizam Bin Shuid .Today i want share about my informative speech .My topic for informative speech is effects of smoking .Before i start my information speech ,i ask my audience one question .

*You know smoking is harmful to our health right ?

After that ,i show my slide about effect of smoking and i start to introduction .

The introduction is smoking could kill 1 billion people this century .There are about 1.15 billions smokers worldwide .The World Health Organization ,tobacco became one of the biggest causes of death worldwide .Tobacco contains a substances called nicotine addition causes .Among the scenarios and smoking in Malaysia is almost half of all Malaysian men smoke .

Okay ,after i explain about introduction effects of smoking .I telling about main point about effects of smoking.

*Main point about effects of smoking :
  a) Nicotine is one of the primary effects of smoking.
  b) It heightens his risk of having cancers of the mouth.
  c) Individual can acquire as an effect of smoking are cataracts ,heart problems ,and
importance .

Learning about the effect of smoking is an excellent way to persuade an individual to break the said harmful habit .by doing so ,he will become fully aware of the health risks he and his loved ones may face because of smoking .

First of all ,addition to nicotine is one of the primary effects of smoking .Cigarettes contain nicotine ,which is a highly addictive substances .The persistent smoking of a person can lead to the development of his dependency to the said chemical ,and if not attended to immediately ,it could lead to other grave results .

Once the smoking habits of a person has become an addiction ,his chance of acquiring numerous health problems will increase .The first of which involves his respiratory system .Smoking without restraint damages his lungs ,which in turn results to regular exhaustion and difficulty in breathing .In addition ,it heightens his risk of having cancers of the mouth ,throat ,and lungs .This is due to the fact that aside from nicotine ,cigarettes contain more than 50 chemicals that are carcinogenic ,which means that they cause cancer to those who are habitually exposed to them .A part from these ailments and diseases ,other illnesses which an individual can acquire as an effect of smoking are cataracts ,heart problems ,and importance .

Moving on ,smoking affects not only the person who has the habit but the people around him as well .Passive smoking happens when the cigarette smoke ,which a person breathes out ,is inhaled by other people .Non-smokers that are exposed to hit may face the same harmful results of smoking ,which are mentioned above .

After i finish telling a main point about effect of smoking to my audience .
So the conclusion is long-term measures are to be arranged immediately for the welfare of the people .Campaigns and the media are very useful in providing accurate information about the dangers of smoking .

Okay ,after i finish telling the conclusion .I tell my audience how dangers if we a smoking .That all for today .